Lauren Miller Life Coaching

5 Minutes to Stress Relief

5 Minutes to Stress Relief: Stress has three main fuels: worry, fear, and doubt. They act like little serpents that crawl into the lap of your life and wreak havoc emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

You have the ability to identify and dismiss these serpents that are trying to hinder your power to maintain inner calm, clarity of focus, and a motivated response to all of life. Stress is often called the silent killer. As someone who battled the stress of advanced cancer and divorce–simultaneously–Lauren equips you with the ability to successfully handle any stressful situation…instantly.

5 Minutes to Stress Relief will give you the specific skills and tools to:

  • Identify and relieve stress
  • Access personal excellence in your thought life to create positive transformation in your physical, emotional, and spiritual experiences
  • Activate your God-given natural state of being

Review Samples:

“I was given a copy for review by the publisher. Let me start off by saying, I usually am not into self-help books, but this one caught my attention at the right time I needed it. If you are dealing with stress, whether good stress or bad, or components of stress, fear, anxiety, etc, this book is for you.
I have used techniques from this book to deal with my own stressors, and I have to say, there is a lot of great information in here and the book has helped me quite a bit. Whether you’re dealing with stress now or not, the information and techniques are quite useful.” Kindle Customer
“Lauren’s book is the real deal. She shows you how to drop stress and have transformational relief right now and keep it that way. I highly recommend.” Shawne Duperon
About the author:

80% of disease is stress related according to Harvard Medical. Lauren E Miller, M.Ed, certification in HRD, knows first-hand as she went through advanced cancer and divorce at the same time. Now as Google’s #1 Stress Relief Expert/International Award-Winning Author/Speaker/Coach/Trainer, and Managing Partner of Grab & Go Stress Solutions and In-ViGor the Corporate Coaching Division, Maximizing Human Potential. Through product resources; mainstream media; 1:1 coaching; workshops; seminars and 30-day, 3 minute a day programs, Lauren equips thousands of people worldwide with effective, sustainable skillsets that result in sustainable behavioral shifts. Lauren empowers individuals and organizations with results based, quick win systems, which champion internal strength and creative solutions to challenging situations along with Lights-On Leadership.

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