
Collaboration: How do you do it?

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Do you compete or collaborate? Your choice makes all the difference in the outcomes you experience and have a huge Impact on Business (IOB).

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the capacity, skill or ability to identify, assess and manage the emotions of one’s self or others and of groups (Source: Wolfram Alpha).

EQ includes 4 phases posed as questions worth your reflection:

  • How aware am I of my own emotions? Perceptions, beliefs, assumptions that trigger my emotions?
  • How capable am I at managing my own emotions?
  • How aware am I of the emotions of other people?
  • How capable am I at managing the emotions of other people?

Studies have continued to point to one BIG FAT behavior that is directly linked to positive leadership and impact on business: IMPULSE CONTROL. Your ability to effectively lead others is in direct correlation to your ability to practice the behavior of impulse control: the ability to control your desire for immediate satisfaction and directly influences success in relationships, school and career.

Positive Skillsets + Positive Behavior = Positive Impact on Business (IOB) –Sherpa Process Driven Executive Coaching

Chances are, if you are still wearing your earth suit you have encountered an overtly unhappy human being. Perhaps the display of unhappiness comes in their intonation, body language and/or choice of words. Much of our instinct to fight, run or freeze flows from an innate desire to be liked, right and understood: “I feel safe when I feel that you understand where I am coming from and validate my perspectives and input.”

As you explore seeking to understand more consistently within your conversations through curiosity and fascination you will find that you have the ability to flip a space from one of competition to one of collaboration.

Effective questions fueled by a desire to understand rather than to be understood leads to collaborative efforts that result in positive impact on business.

Learning how to flip from competition into collaboration shifts the entire energy within a room and physiologically opens up the brain’s ability to access valuable pieces of information that are all too often deleted, distorted or generalized in the mind muck that occurs in the ring of competition, it is an inner game worth learning the skill set needed for success in life.

Understand that when people find themselves in anAnimal Planetmoment, kicking and screaming their way through the day, it is simply because they forget they have worth and value.

Exercise your soul in the way of love this week through the behavior of appreciative inquiry (AI). Appreciative Inquiryis a powerful practice of asking guided questions that encourage positive thinking and employee-to-employee interaction.

The next time you find yourself in the space of an overtly cranky person, deliberately choose to increase your expressions of kindness and love . Step into the practice of asking questions to increase clarity and step out of assumptions and expectations. Knowing how to flip out of competition into collaboration requires an ability to notice when you feel defensive behavior bubbling up within your interior castle (your perceptions, assumptions, judgements and conclusions).

This is a wonderfully powerful practice. I have seen first-hand how my choice for love & kindness resurrects love & kindness in the person to which it is directed. Love evokes more love; kindness evokes more kindness. Nothing thrives in a state of war.

Servant leadership creates space to honor the perspective of another person. Aggressive behavior negates

Step into the emotional state of behavior you desire to experience from people you encounter this week.

Explore Cultivating Healthy Relationships CD

Explore 30 Day 3 Minute a Day Personal Excellence & Wellness Program:The Art of Healthy Relationships


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