
Watch Out: Are You Hijacked by Counterfeit Control?

Watch Out: Are You hijacked by counterfeit control?

I recently heard a sermon by Pastor Mike Todd  on the topic of control that is worth sharing, simply because our need for control robs us of God’s peace.

Counterfeit means to make an imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud. Let’s take that into the Garden of Eden. Satan used the enticement of being in control to deceive Eve and ultimately Adam. “Did God really say that you can’t eat from any tree in the garden?” Immediately he twists God’s words for his own deceitful scheme to make Eve think God is withholding something good, that being power to be like God knowing good from evil. This deception led to death and still does today. Death of our complete surrender and reliance on our creator. We worship created things, rather than the creator (Romans 1:25) including ourselves through the lust of our eyes, boasting about what we have and do and cravings of our flesh (1 John 2:16).

We want to be in control so that we can be at peace, guarded and protected. Interesting thought eh? We had all of that in the Garden before the serpent slithered into our minds. Truth is, we still do. The hijack around our need to be in control sounds like this: “I feel safe as long as I have these things in order. But if one of them falls out of order that I have created for my sense of worth, value and security then anxiety, fear, self-doubt slither into my mind.” It is a vicious cycle, who can save us? (Romans 7:24). Thanks be to God, Jesus can.

In reality, our peace is directly connected and preserved in our closeness with God. The One who is ACTUALLY in control. “All things are lawful for me…but I will not be dominated by anything.” 1 Corinthians 6:12. What is dominating you in your life today? Something that is valuable or important that ultimately takes away your sense true identity and value. Below are a few suggestions to reflect on:

  • Idols: anything that takes the place of God
  • People can make one comment about you and your day is ruined
  • Your bank account
  • Your body image
  • Popularity

What is dominating you? You think, as long as I keep all of these things in order I am safe. It’s counterfeit control used to rob you of your true identity and purpose. It’s all an illusion that leads to separation from God. Man was never meant to be in control. There are four things that our need for control kills in our life:

  1. Contentment: You can’t enjoy the present moment because you are trying to control tomorrow.
  2. Collaboration: There are people you need to connect with yet manipulation gets in the way fueled by your desire for control.
  3. Correction: When you are not open to correction because of your need to control what people think of you, growth stops.
  4. Communication: If you have to be in control, you won’t share with people what is really going on.

You don’t have to be in control you just need to be close with the one who is. Pray for meekness: power under the control of God. Make the choice to prioritize drawing close to the One who is in control. “Blessed are the meek, they will inherit the earth, enjoy peace and prosper.” Psalm 37:11. Use all of your gifts under God’s control and peace will be yours.

People seek control so that they can be at peace. Put your power under His control and you will receive that which you truly long for: closeness with your creator.

Our need for control creates fear and anxiety on many levels. First when we need control over a situation that is out of our control we get hijacked into the fear that we won’t be ok. Second we have a false sense of safety based on this statement: “As long as I’m in control of ___________________(fill in) I feel secure and safe.” Truth is we then become controlled by what we feel we need to be in control of. Third, we were never meant to be in control, God is in control and when we trust that He is faithful and will take care of us and our loved ones even in death as we place our trust in Him, peace becomes our way.

Faith Over Fear:Lead Like JesusEvent:


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