
Get Your Focus On for 2020

Get Your Focus On in 2020

Clarity of focus leads to accuracy of response.

What is your theme thought for 2020? A thought that you declare and entertain on a daily bases to set your focus. Whatever you focus on grows bigger.

You have a little lawyer located by your brainstem called your reticular activating system (RAS). One of its purposes is to hunt and gather information that backs up your choice of focus. This is how it works:

  • You make the conclusion that life is hard. Your RAS will then hunt and gather the information to back up your conclusion that life is hard.


  • You make the conclusion that 2020 is going to be the year for breakthroughs and open doors. You declare this verbally each day and throughout your day. Your theme thought is: I tune into the open doors more today than yesterday. Your RAS follows your lead and starts to tune into information that backs up your choice of focus.

We are actually blessed with theABILITY to create messaging systems within our brain, positive OR negative based upon our focus. Hence the invitation to create an intentional positive theme thought for 2020 to override a negative messaging system that held you back in 2019.


How do you override a negative messaging system? Repetition of a positive thought along with behavior that backs up that positive thought.


For example, let’s say your positive theme thought for 2020 is:I tune into positive opportunities more each day. You look up the wordopportunityso you really understand what it means: a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. 


You decide to go a little deeper in your understanding of opportunity so you can tune into it more each day so you decide to look up the wordcircumstance so that you don’t miss one:an event that helps to cause something to happen. In your case you want something positive to happen.


Now you have a fuller understanding of what exactly you want to see more of in 2020: You know you want to tune into circumstances (events that cause something to happen), in this case something GOOD or positive to happen. You intentionally focus on this theme before you enter meetings, send emails, make phone calls, communicate with people around you.


After a few weeks of this practice, you notice a sense of positivity emerging in how you are approaching situations that used to stress you out.


How can this be? Because you have created a new messaging system in your brain that fires a positive message AND you have backed it up with behavior: made the thought come to life with your facial expressions, well posed questions, positive posturing and curious communication. When people come to you with negativity that blocks positive forward momentum you now focus on what IS working out verses what is not and find solutions.


Your RAS works for you now and not against you. It hunts and gathers information to help you tune into positive opportunities each day.


Now it’s your turn.


What is YOUR positive theme thought for the new year?


Take a look at a common phrase you say that is linked to negativity in your life. A phrase that you frequently entertain in your mind. Perhaps it’s around things working out for other people and not for you. Nail it down. Clarity of focus leads to accuracy of response.


Ask a few people that know you well: What phrase do I commonly say or talk about that is negative? Once you have it, start to brainstorm what phrase you want to lead you into the New Year. It may be the opposite of the negative phrase you have discovered. Rather than the phrase: I‘m always overlooked.You say:I take action on positive opportunities to SHINE (stand out) in 2020.


Once you nail down your positive theme thought, write it down, memorize it, share it with you’re a-team and then transfer it into your behavior. How will other people know that this is your theme thought? Let it spill into your daily behavior. Act as if you believe it until you do. Typically, it takes consistent repetition over several weeks to anchor a new messaging system in your brain.


Don’t let your thoughts be the boss of you: OVERRIDE THEM.


Keep it up, the ramifications are well worth it!

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Feeling scattered and unfocused use theEFT method to create clear thinking. 

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