FOMO Anxiety Busted
FOMO Anxiety Busted =>
FOMO: The fear of missing out…anxiety that an exciting or interestingevent may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on asocial media website. It makes you question whether or not what you are doingis enough.
Let’s keep with the theme of a more relaxed, confident and focused versionof you going in 2019. FOMO does not support that theme.
The fear of missing out bumps you off the mission that you are called todo in life. It gives birth the the serpents of fear,self-doubt,comparison, jealousy and envy.
FOMO slithers into your interior dialogue spewing out lies that bump youoff course and distract you from doing the most important thing in the moment,which is the definition of discernment.
As this year continues to unfold what if you increased your high noticingaround your choice points for engagement? How you choose to spend yourtime, talent and energy.
When I was training for the Colorado State Championship for the World TaeKwon Do Federation my ability to show up in the ring and showcase my skillsetand talent was directly linked to my intentional preparation outside the ring.The same holds true when it comes to defeating the energy sucking,productivity thief called FOMO…ain’t nobody got time for that. You havespecific things to do, places to go and people to empower.
Wake up and prune for growth. Remove those behaviors from your day thatdistract you from your mission in life. Perhaps it is leading an organizationthat is fueled by authenticity and integrity…or raising your children withthe ability to avoid identity theft and speak the truth in love. Whatever yourmission is and when you are on task in that mission, guard your heart and mindfrom meaningless distraction.
YOU have work to do that no one else can do with your unique personality,gifts and talents, FOMO bumps you off your course.
Take Action:
- Prayerfully write down a mission statement for 2019. This can be 1 word, for example: momentum, engaged, centered, undistracted. Or a full statement, for example,“In 2019, by God’s grace and wisdom I am dedicated to pouring my gifts and talents into each client and event to facilitate maximum learning and growth for personal/professional excellence.”Clarity of focus leads to accuracy of response and minimizes FOMO interruptions. Once you have a clear mission statement, this becomes your filter when the shiny objects pop up, if it doesn’t support your declared mission, delete.
- Unsubscribe from all emails that do not add value to your mission statement (theme thought) for 2019. Less is more.
- Limit your time on social media and use it with intention and focus to stay in touch with those you care about as well as an opportunity to share positive inspiration that aligns with your mission. Don’t give FOMO the opportunity to trigger you out of focused purpose.
Stress Less and Live More Support Resources:
1. Take a 12 Week Journey for a Positive Impact on YourBusiness:Explore More
2. 5 Powerhouse Verses to Sift Your Soul: Edge God In Podcast now posted
3. Get Your Body on Board a Lighter Version of You: DetoxOrganics, Wake Well, Revive Well and Rest Well.
Enjoy your gift of life,
“Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a towerthat will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility.” –St. Augustine