
Don’t Let Stress Be the Boss of You

3 Serpents You Want to Evict Today for Peace and Joy

Girl lying on grass relaxing
Don’t give your circumstance the power to define your identity, value & identity.

Don’t Let Stress Be the Boss of You:

You have often heard me talk about your position as the landlord of yourmind.

In this position you will too often give free rent to specific thoughtsthat DO NOT support a lighter version of you, I call them serpents. Theyslither in and choke the life out of you.

These serpents slither into your thoughts and twist your perceptions ofreality, distorting, deleting and generalizing specific pieces of informationthat leave you wallowing in the mud of an impoverished view of reality. Today,I will speak about 3 kinds of behavior that shows up as a result of yourunwanted tenants: greed, entitlement and victimization.

These 3 serpents will trash a good intention along with inner peacequicker than poop through a goose. We have a ton of them in Colorado these daysso this metaphor is very applicable. 

Clarity of focus leads to accuracy of response. As soon as you realizewhat is really going on you instantly place yourself as the one in control andyour thoughts are no longer the BOSS of you. 

Greed:fueled by the serpent of not-enoughness. It’s like a spoiledchild, the more you feed it the more it wants. The behavior is demanding,pushy, and complaining fueled by dis-satisfaction. The thought is: “I needmore to be satisfied, feel accomplished, successful, enough.” 

Solution:Grateful living:Dear God, grant me the grace of deep andconsistent appreciation for the little things in my life that are actually BIGthings overlooked: my ability to breathe, see, hear, walk, talk. Warm water,food, shelter. The ability to love and be loved. 

Entitlement: the belief that you deserve better:treatment, attention, accolades. The behavior is at times abrasive, standoffish even snobbish particularly when this serpent is the BOSS of you. Thethought is: “I deserve more.” It sucks the peace right out of youreplacing it with stress and anxiety. 

Solution: Have high noticing around the thought: “Ideserve better treatment.” When you spot it crashing your moment quicklyreplace the thought with a thought that reflects humility. For example, youare driving around the parking lot looking for a spot someone pulls out and thecar in front of you quickly takes the space you have been waiting for, asquickly as possible offer up a generous assumption that they may have neededthat spot over you. True greatest in this world walks through the archway ofhumility and service along with your greatest space for joy andthanksgiving. 

Victimization: feeling attacked by the world around you.The thought is: “Nothing good ever works out for me, it works out forother people but not for me.” Another popular victimization thought:“It’s not my fault, it’s their fault…The Blame Game.”

It uses universal quantifying statements: Nothing, always, nobody, never.The result is a paralysis when it comes to taking positive action forward andseeking out solutions. Depression and pessimistic thoughts usually accompanyvictimization. It’s like sleeping with a weighted blanket that is 10X heavierthan it should be for your size (my kids got me a weighted blanket that ismatched for my size which can actually reduce stress).

Solution: Accountability: being accountable for your life: Forgiving what needs to be forgiven, releasing what needs to be released, taking full responsibility for your own happiness, healing, emotional state of being, physical wellbeing, personal excellence and above all your relationship with God who has given you authority to take back your ability to remember the strength within you is bigger than circumstance.  

Support Resources to Maximize Your Personal & Professional Life:

1.SherpaExecutive Coaching:Explore More

2. Edge God In Podcast: Don’t Let Stress Be the Boss of You:

Click Here to Listen

3. Gifts that keep on giving: Give the gift of stress reliefand personal excellence skills: CDs/Books Visit:LaurenEMiller.comand Click on theStore Tab in the upper right menu bar to explore options. 

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