
Grab & Go Stress Solution: Jan 5, 2015

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Often times you will respond to life experiences with reactive behavior based on those programs that you have repeated over time: when this happens, I respond this way…why?…Because it feels comfortable.

It feels comfortable because you have conditioned your responses to life through repetition.  The brain is capable of creating new approaches in life based on your commitment to do so.  So, here is your invitation for today:

Be curious and fascinated towards all of life today.  Be the narrator as things unfold for you: “hmmm, that’s interesting?  How do I want to respond to this situation? I wonder what fueled that reaction in this person?  How can I return to a place of peace over this?  What do I need to remember in order to remain confident in this situation?” Curiosity creates flexibility along with the ability to tune into all available options for solution-based thinking.

Twitter: @laurenemiller7

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